We also went to Union Terminal. This was one of my favorite places to go when we lived there. It's an old train terminal from the 1930s that they turned into a museum. It still looks like it's from the 1930s also. The ceiling is domed shaped and has beautiful murals on the walls.You can stand on one side of the lobby and whisper and a person at the other side can hear you because the sound travels. If you could see how wide the entry was, this might be more exciting. One side is a natural history museum and the other side is a history of Cincinnati. We only visited the natural history side and some of the exhibits haven't changed since 1993.

Food: The first thing we did when we got there was go to Gold Star Chili. There's nothing like it anywhere. Chili isn't really the right word to describe it though. You can order it on spaghetti or on, my favorite, little coney hot dogs. They put the chili on the coney and then cover it with shredded cheese. Mmm...Yum. The next stop we made was Grater's Ice Cream. This is the best ice cream that I've ever had. They have a flavor called Black Raspberry Chip. They should really call it Black Raspberry with huge pieces of chocolate chunks. It's so good they've shipped it to the west coast, and my family found out it cost 80 dollars to have 6 pints shipped in dry ice to your house. It's worth every penny.
Montgomery Inn is famous for their Ribs. I am not a fan of ribs but they supposedly give Dreamland a run for their money. I can tell you that they have Saratoga potato chips that you dip in the barbecue sauce and they are wonderful.
United Dairy Farmers makes the best milkshakes and malts.
So, basically my family went to Ohio to eat and I think I'm still full. 

Fortune: I got paid. Enough said.